Remuneration Report and Remuneration Policy for the Executive Board
Remuneration Report
The Remuneration Report shall provide an overview of the remuneration package for the current and former members of the Executive Board and the Supervisory Board. It outlines the principles of the Remuneration Policy and details of the different elements of remuneration including incentives and other benefits. The Remuneration Report for the last financial year shall be submitted to the Annual General Meeting for voting. The voting results constitute recommendations. No legal challenge is possible (Section 78d para 1 of the Austrian Stock Corporation Act).
In the past, the Remuneration Report for the Executive Board was submitted for voting separately.
Remuneration Policy for the Executive Board
The Supervisory Board shall draw up the principles for the remuneration of the members of the Executive Board and the Supervisory Board in accordance with Section 78a in conjunction with Section 98a Stock Corporation Act (Remuneration Policy). The Remuneration Policy shall be submitted to the General Meeting for approval at least every fourth fiscal year and in the event of any material change. The vote at the General Meeting constitutes recommendations and the resolution cannot be challenged (Section 78b (1) Stock Corporation Act).
The Remuneration Policy and the past Remuneration Reports for the Supervisory Board are published here.