Imprint & Legal Notice

In the interest of a reader-friendly flow of text, gender-neutral terminology has been used throughout our websites: designation such as “employee” or “partner” are not gender specifics.

1. Imprint

Disclosure and Information pursuant to §§ 24, 25 Austrian Media Act and § 5 Austrian E-Commerce Act/Imprint

Owner, publisher and producer: OMV Aktiengesellschaft
Registered Address: Trabrennstraße 6-8, A-1020 Vienna
Telephone: +43 1 40440; Tele-fax +43 1 40440-20091;
Registered at Vienna Commercial Court: FN 93363z
Information pertaining to supervisory authority: Financial Markets Supervisory Authority
VAT registration number: ATU14189108

Executive Board of OMV Aktiengesellschaft:
Alfred Stern (Chairman), Reinhard Florey, Martijn van Koten, Berislav Gaso

Supervisory Board of OMV Aktiengesellschaft:
Lutz Feldmann (Chairman), Edith Hlawati (1st Deputy Chairwoman), Khaled Salmeen (2nd Deputy Chairman), Khaled Al Zaabi, Dorothée Deuring, Patrick Lammers, Jean-Baptiste Renard, Elisabeth Stadler, Robert Stajic

Delegates of the works council:
Alexander Auer, Angela Schorna, Hubert Bunderla, Nicole Schachenhofer, Alfred Redlich.

Shareholder in excess of 25 %: Österreichische Beteiligungs AG (31,5%), thereof in excess of 25 %: Republic of Austria (100%).

General line: Industry and company related information to customers and suppliers of OMV Group.

Objects of the Company:


  1. The investment in other enterprises and corporations as well as the management and administration of such investments (holding company) including the acquisition and disposal of investments in Austria and abroad.
  2. All activities, irrespective of their legal basis, in connection with
    (i) prospecting for, extracting and processing in any production stage of hydrocarbons and other mineral resources;
    (ii) the production of fuel and other ancillaries for vehicles, stationary power sources (engines) and heating systems;
    (iii) the production of chemical products and plastics of all kinds;
    (iv) the procurement, processing and production of feedstock of all kinds, in particular also for products according to (2)(ii)-(iii);
  3. The sale of and the trade with goods and products as well as substances of all kinds, in particular those mentioned under (2), including their stocking (magazines) and storage for third persons;
  4. Services of all kinds including the operation of thereto necessary plants and equipment. These services in particular include any consulting, planning and realization services, in all fields, in particular also in the fields of industrial medicine, construction, drilling, wells, chemistry, electro-technology, transport of goods and persons, catering, hotel industry and tourism, information technology, infrastructure, laboratories, mechanical engineering, insurance management, management consultancies, licensing of production processes, patents, industrial design and the like;
  5. Hiring, letting (leasing) of labor force;
  6. The business of insurance and reinsurance;
  7. The construction and operation of all kinds of plants for power generation, regardless of the source of energy;
  8. The construction and operation of network and line systems of all kinds, in particu¬lar of pipelines;
  9. All activities relating to waste management;
  10. The construction and the operation of petrol and gas filling stations and charging stations, car-wash installations, repair and retail outlets, garages, and all other activities in connection with the aforementioned;


  1. The Company shall be entitled to conduct any business and adopt any measures which are deemed to be necessary to or useful for the achieving of its corporate objectives, in particular all to the Objects of the Company similar or related activities.
  2. The Company is in particular entitled to buy and sell real estate property, and to rent or lease same, whether as lessee/tenant or as lessor/landlord;
  3. The company may establish branches in Austria and abroad.

Trade: OMV Aktiengesellschaft is a member of the Economic Chambers of Vienna and Lower Austria and is authorized to engage in the following trades in accordance with trade law provisions

  1. Trading and trading agent.
  2. Corporate consulting including corporate planning.
  3. Bookkeeper.
  4. Provision of loan staff

Further trades are pursued legally independent by group companies.

2. General

You acknowledge to be legally bound by the following by visiting this website.

The term OMV includes OMV Aktiengesellschaft as well as all companies or entities of which OMV Aktiengesellschaft holds, directly or indirectly, at least 50 %. If any of the following relates only to certain companies or entities, such companies or entities will be named.

The following does not apply if and to the extent contra-dictionary to mandatory law.

3. Disclaimer

OMV has made every reasonable effort to ensure that the information provided on this website is correct and complete at the time of publication. However, there may be unintended or accidental errors for which we apologize.

OMV provides no warranty or guarantee in respect of information published on this website, including external (hyper)links or any other content that can be used either directly or indirectly via the OMV website. OMV also reserves the right to make changes or amendments to this site without prior notice. OMV disclaims any liability for errors or omissions on the OMV website. Any decisions made on the basis of information published on the OMV website are therefore the sole responsibility of the respective user. OMV disclaims any liability for direct, indirect or other losses sustained, arising for whatever reason from either the direct or indirect use of the information published on the OMV website.

OMV does not represent or warrant that the functions or services contained in the OMV website will be uninterrupted or error-free, that defects will be corrected, or that the OMV website or the server that makes it available are free of viruses or other harmful components. To the extent permitted by law, OMV shall not be liable for any damages arising from the performance or mal-performance of the OMV website or any connected service or technical device.

None of the information published on the OMV website is to constitute an invitation or inducement to purchase or trade in OMV shares (or any other securities) or American Depositary Receipts (ADRs), nor should it imply such.

4. Property Rights

Unless otherwise indicated, copyright on the pages and the contents published on this OMV website and materials used for such is solely owned by OMV. No third party shall be granted a license or any other rights (e.g. ownership, industrial property rights or copyright). Reproduction of pages or contents from this site is only permissible for personal, informative purposes. Any other reproduction or usage is strictly prohibited. The subsequent use of distinctive OMV features (e.g. brands or logos) is expressly forbidden, irrespective of whether or not the symbol ® or ™ is used, especially the trademark OMV is registered.

The above provisions also apply to direct or indirect software downloads or usage via the OMV website. In the event that external hyperlinks provide access to third party software, the terms and conditions of such product owners shall prevail and their rights are to be observed.