Health, Safety & Security

Our focus on health, safety, security and environment (HSSE) is central to our approach to responsible business.
Our HSSE vision is “Committed to Zero Harm – Protect People, Environment, and Assets.” – a simple statement that expresses a strong commitment to doing business in a way that protects what we care for.
To make this vision a reality, we’re continually working to ensure the integrity of our operating facilities, prevent losses, and proactively manage risks.
Our people are our most valuable asset, and their health – both physical and mental – is key to our success. To ensure all our employees have access to a high standard of healthcare, we’ve established a Group-wide standard. It includes preventive initiatives, such as targeted health promotion campaigns, a systematic approach to managing health risks, and access to medical care when needed.
Our goal is to maintain the safest possible work environment for both employees and contractors. Our Safety Management System is based on our Group’s HSSE Policy, the HSSE Directive, and other corporate regulations such as HSSE Risk Management, Contractor HSSE Management, Management of Hazardous Substances, Personnel Transportation, and Reporting, Investigation, and Classification of Incidents. Combined, these resources provide a framework that ensures we are able to manage safety effectively across all our operations.
Our Security function’s role is to protect our personnel, assets, information, operations, value, and reputation against intentional and malicious threats. An unstable geopolitical environment in 2023 combined with complex new and ongoing regional conflicts, not only in the Middle East but also in Europe, resulted in Corporate Security continuing to invest significant resources in ensuring resilience and security across our operations.
In additional to location-specific risks, the threat posed by terrorist attacks, political unrest, crime, and cyber threats has also increased. Our Security & Resilience team has implemented a strong and adaptable strategy to enable us to maintain our operations despite the challenging security environment.