
We approach community development projects as strategic investments, aimed at delivering meaningful returns for society. Our focus is on initiatives that promise to create long-term societal value and bring about lasting change in peoples’ lives.
Social Investments
Our community and social investments are aligned with the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). They are designed to address specific community needs identified through Social Impact Assessments (SIAs) or to target broader societal needs identified using tools like the Social Progress Index1. We work in partnership with local stakeholders and NGOs to maximize the social impact of our investments. Our key focus areas are:
- Access to basic services
- Education, entrepreneurship, and employment
- Climate action and circular resource management
When allocating resources, we prioritize countries according to their socio-economic development needs as well as the size of our business footprint. Some of our activities in 2023 were:
- EUR 45.2 million in community and social investments2
- 293 community and social investments in 24 countries
- 1 million beneficiaries reached
- 2,471 employee volunteers
1 The Social Progress Index, developed by the Social Progress Imperative, is a comprehensive measure of real quality of life, independent of economic indicators across countries. More details can be found at:
2 Includes contributions in cash, contributions in kind, and donations; excludes sports and cultural sponsoring and other related management overheads.
Human Rights
Human rights are universal values that guide our conduct in every aspect of our activities. The OMV Group strives to be a fair and responsible employer and recognizes its responsibility to respect, fulfill, and support human rights in all operations.
We respect and support human rights as described in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and in internationally recognized treaties, such as the International Labour Organization (ILO). As a signatory to the UN Global Compact since 2003, we are fully committed to the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights and the OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises. Our responsibilities in the area of human rights include, and are not limited to, equality and non-discrimination, decent living wages, working hours, employee representation, security, primary health care, labor rights in the supply chain, education, poverty reduction, land rights, and free, prior, and informed consent. In line with this, we support the aims of the UK Modern Slavery Act 2015 and are committed to operating our business and supply chain without forced labor, slavery, or human trafficking:
Statement on Modern Slavery and Human Trafficking for the Financial Year 2023 (PDF, 1,7 MB)
Human Rights Policy Statement
Our Human Rights Policy Statement sets out our approach to upholding human rights, describing our specific commitments, including worker’s rights, protection of vulnerable groups, security, and support for a Just Transition. The policy was developed through consultation with internal stakeholders and external consultants, concluding with the formal approval of the OMV Executive Board.
Human Rights Due Diligence
We carry out human rights risk assessments in order to identify and assess current and potential future human rights issues that could affect our operations. Based on the assessments’ findings, we establish specific actions to reduce the risk of our direct or indirect involvement in human rights violations. Our due diligence process is supported by advice from internationally recognized experts.
Human Rights Matrix
The scope of our human rights responsibilities is detailed in our Human Rights Matrix, which forms the basis of our human rights activities. It covers our responsibilities in the areas of:
- Equality and non-discrimination
- Security
- Health & safety
- Labor rights
- Employee representation
- Prevention of forced labor, child labor and human trafficking
- Education
- Property, land rights & standard of living
- Local communities’ and indigenous peoples’ rights
- Privacy and family life
Grievance Management
In line with the UN Guiding Principles, we regard an effective grievance mechanism as essential for upholding our commitment to human rights. In addition to ensuring our compliance, it also serves as a valuable tool for ongoing learning, supporting us to improve our grievance procedures and prevent future issues and potential harm.
Further details
OMV Code of Conduct
OMV Group Human Rights Policy Statement
Signed Statement on Modern Slavery Year 2022
Community Relations and Development
We maintain active partnerships with communities where we operate and are committed to making positive contributions to these societies. As part of our approach to stakeholder engagement, we have established community grievance mechanisms at all of our operating sites.
In 2023, we registered 732 grievances (2022: 776) through these channels. All were handled in accordance with our localized Community Grievance Management (CGM) procedures, which ensure grievances are systematically received, documented, addressed, and resolved.
We are working hard to align our CGM systems with the effectiveness criteria set by the United Nations Guiding Principles. To achieve this, we are conducting assessments that involve reviewing our management processes and consulting with internal and external stakeholders.
The result of these assessments is recommendations and tailored action plans to improve each site’s grievance management processes. These plans are implemented by local management teams and monitored by our headquarters. As of 2023, the sites that have carried out these assessments account for 93% of all registered grievances.