OMV Global
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OMV Global
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OMV Group Austria Bulgaria Czech Rep. Germany Hungary New Zealand Norway Romania Serbia Slovakia Tunisia UAE
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OMV Gas Austria Belgium Germany Hungary Netherlands Turkey
OMV Petrom Websites
OMV Petrom Petrom Romania Petrom Moldova
Borealis Websites
Borealis Group


Social Investments


Social Investments

We implement our community development projects as investments, therefore expecting each project to generate a return for our communities or society more broadly. We prioritize projects with a potential to generate long-term societal value and make a lasting change to beneficiaries’ lives.

Community and social investments are aligned with the SDGs and the community needs identified during SIAs, or with broader societal priorities (e.g., by consulting the Social Progress Index1). We aim to implement our projects in partnership with locally active stakeholders or non-governmental organizations to ensure a maximum social return on our investment. Key OMV focus areas for our community and social investments are the following:

  • Access to basic services
  • Education, entrepreneurship, and employment
  • Climate action and circular resource management

At OMV, countries with the highest socio-economic development needs and/or where we have the largest business footprint are prioritized for community and social investment funding.

  • EUR 12.46 mn in community and social investments2
  • 264 community and social investments in 18 countries
  • 1.86 mn beneficiaries reached
  • 901 employee volunteers

2020 Investments by Main SDGs and by Beneficiaries



More related information

Useful Links

1 The Social Progress Index, developed by the Social Progress Imperative, is a comprehensive measure of real quality of life, independent of economic indicators across countries. More details can be found at:
2 Includes contributions in cash, contributions in kind, and donations; excludes related management overheads; all community investment data excluding Borealis

Human rights

Rising through Education

Human rights

Human rights are universal values that guide our conduct in every aspect of our activities. Our responsibilities in the area of human rights include, but are not limited to, equality and nondiscrimination, decent wages, working hours, employee representation, security, primary healthcare, labor rights in the supply chain, education, poverty reduction, land rights, and free, prior, and informed consultation.

OMV respects and supports human rights as described in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and in internationally recognized treaties, including those of the International Labour Organization (ILO). We have been a signatory to the UN Global Compact since 2003 and are fully committed to the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights and the OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises. This includes a commitment to upholding labor rights, such as decent wages, working hours, employee representation, and provisions against forced labor, child labor, and human trafficking. We therefore fully support the aims of the UK Modern Slavery Act 2015 and are committed to operating our business and supply chain free from forced labor, slavery, and human trafficking.

Statement on Modern Slavery and Human Trafficking for the Financial Year 2023 (PDF, 1,7 MB)

Human Rights Policy Statement

The OMV Group Human Rights Policy Statement sets out our understanding and responsibility for the respect and realization of human rights in our business environment. It describes our specific human rights commitments, e.g., related to worker’s rights, vulnerable groups, and security, as well as our commitment to contributing to a Just Transition. This process involved consulting with internal stakeholders of OMV Group and external consultants and was concluded by the formal approval of the OMV Executive Board. 

OMV Group Human Rights Policy Statement (PDF, 209,5 KB)

Human Rights Matrix

We have mapped our human rights responsibilities in a comprehensive Human Rights Matrix, which constitutes the basis for our activities in the field of human rights. It covers our responsibilities in the areas of:

  • Equality and non-discrimination
  • Security
  • Health & safety
  • Labor related rights
  • Employee representation
  • Provisions against forced labor, child labor and human trafficking
  • Education
  • Property, land rights & standard of living
  • Local communities’ and indigenous peoples’ rights
  • Privacy and family life

Human Rights Due Diligence

In our human rights risk assessments, we identify and assess ongoing and emerging human rights impacts and the resulting potential risks relevant to OMV business activities in the country in order to prevent and mitigate human rights risks and impacts. From these assessments we derive concrete measures in order to reduce the risk of direct and indirect involvement in human rights abuses. We are supported in our professional human rights due diligence by internationally recognized experts.

Grievance Management

According to the UN Guiding Principles, an effective grievance mechanism is a crucial instrument for ensuring compliance with our human rights commitment, and a source of continuous learning for improving the mechanism and preventing future grievances and harms.

Further details


OMV Code of Conduct (PDF, 8,0 MB)
OMV Group Human Rights Policy Statement (PDF, 209,5 KB)
Signed Statement on Modern Slavery Year 2022 (PDF, 5,8 MB)

Community Relations and Development

PK-fulfilment of basic needs_EN

Community Relations and Development

OMV maintains an active partnership with local communities in all countries in which the Company does business and is committed to adding value to these societies. As part of OMV’s stakeholder dialogue, we have implemented community grievance mechanisms at all operating sites.

In 2021, OMV registered 884 grievances (2020: 812) from the community grievance mechanisms. All of the grievances were handled in accordance with OMV’s localized Community Grievance Management (CGM) procedures, which stipulate a stringent approach to systematically receiving, documenting, addressing, and resolving grievances in all of the countries where we operate.

OMV has set the goal of aligning the CGM system at all sites with the effectiveness criteria of the United Nations Guiding Principles. We are striving to achieve this target by conducting assessments that include reviews of management processes and consultations with internal and external stakeholders. The assessments result in recommendations and tailored action plans to improve grievance management at site level. The action plans are implemented by local management and monitored by headquarters. The sites already assessed represent 99% of all registered grievances at OMV in 2021.